It can also refer to long-term objectives . 它还可指长期的目标。
E1 what are your long - term objectives ? how will the degree help you achieve them 您的长期目标是什么?本学位将如何帮助您达到这个目标?
What are your long - term objectives ? how will the course help you achieve them 您的长期目标是什么?希望这个课程将如何帮助您达到这个目标?
I am sure those with investments that have similar long - term objectives will readily appreciate this 大家若有参与同样具长远目标的投资,肯定很容易就会明白这一点。
Jiefu expedites the growth step when dedicated in acoustic products r d , stipulates for long - term objective 公司一面致力电声类产品的研制和开发,制订长远发展目标,一面加快企业的发展步伐。
The long - term objective agreed at gatt / wto is to establish a fair and market - oriented agricultural trading system leading to fundamental reform in farm policy 摘要世界贸易组织针对农业议题的共识为市场导向的基本改革,然而却很难凝聚改革的力量以及作法。
Jiefu expedites the growth step when dedicated in acoustic products r d , stipulates for long - term objective . jiefu had constructed ajiefu electro painting factory by sole investment , a xiangjie electronics co . , 公司一面致力电声类?品的研制和开发,制订长远发展目标,一面加快企业的发展步伐。
The longer - term objective of the research is to develop gene therapy processes to prevent this deterioration in affected individuals or perhaps even to restore the sight of blind people suffering from the condition 该研究的远期目标是发展基因疗法以防止患者病情恶化,甚至有望恢复已失明患者的视觉。
Such programs have the effect of creating a sense of urgency in the business , developing necessary capabilities and providing milestones and review mechanisms and progress towards their ultimate long - term objectives 这些目标使企业产生一种紧迫感,迫使企业开发必要的能力,为企业提供里程碑,并为最长期目标检查机制和进展。
In every historical stage , be it one of revolution , reconstruction or reform , our party has never failed to have both a basic program for a given stage , namely , the minimum program , and the maximum program of long - term objectives 在革命、建设和改革的各个历史阶段中,我们党既有每个阶段的基本纲领即最低纲领,也有确定长远奋斗目标的最高纲领。